Register for a Free Proctored Exam

A+ is committed to supporting students through their test prep experience. One of the ways we do this is by providing free proctored SATs and ACT®s, as well as a score comparison, to students as they begin the college application process.

If you are interested in taking a proctored practice SAT or ACT®, click the below to register.

If you would prefer to take a practice exam at home, or if none of the dates or locations offered are convenient for you, we would be happy to mail you a practice exam for you to take on your own time. This service is available year-round.

Why Take a Practice SAT and ACT®?

For students planning to take the SAT or ACT®, practice tests are an important part of preparation. Taking a practice test under conditions as similar as possible to a real testing situation is incredibly important. Like an athlete practicing in the stadium prior to a game or a musical performer having a dress rehearsal, students should experience the testing environment and test content to feel as comfortable as possible.



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Philadelphia-area students may register for a proctored practice test at no cost. Many students go on to join our tutoring program, but there is no obligation. It’s a low-risk way for students (and parents) to get a feel for the ACT® or SAT, and to get to know A+ and the services we provide.


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Students already enrolled in our tutoring programs take several ACT® or SAT practice tests throughout their preparation and are welcome to take additional proctored tests. These practice tests serve as checkpoints and monitor progress. We look at how the student approached the test as a whole as well as how he or she handled specific types of questions in order to determine where the focus of instruction should be moving forward.

Choosing the SAT or ACT® as a better fit

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The results of our proctored tests can help determine which test is a better fit for your student. Upon completion, we put together a detailed score report showing your child’s strengths and weaknesses. These results will help us determine which test is a better fit for your student. We can then advise you about which test the student should prepare for in order to achieve the highest possible score for college admissions.

Strategies, Skills and Practice

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There are three main components to test preparation: test-taking strategy, skills and background knowledge, and practice with actual tests. All three are critical. Proctored practice tests provide an opportunity for students to get much needed practice with actual ACT® and SAT tests. This will prove invaluable when she takes the actual test because it will allow her to be as relaxed as possible on test day, with no surprises.

Building a road map

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Should you sign up for one of our one-to-one test-prep programs, the ACT® or SAT proctored test results serve as a baseline, and our tutors use them to create score goals for your student. In addition, these results help us create a test-prep game plan designed to help your student achieve his or her highest possible score.

“I just wanted to thank you for your suggestion to have Emily tutored at A+ to prepare for round (2) of the SAT’s. Her scores came in today and WOW did they increase. 100 pts in Reading, 200 pts in Math and 280 pts in Writing. Her total score went from a 990 to a 1440, a 450 pt increase!”

Lisa George, parent to Emily George,
Delaware Valley Friends School
450 Point Increase on the SAT

“I knew what to expect on the day of the test so it kept the stress levels low. Thank you so much, A+, for making the test taking experience much more enjoyable. I couldn’t have done it without you.”

Rachel French,
Academy of Notre Dame de Namur
290 Point Increase on the SAT

A+ really helped me get organized and on track with my SAT prep. My tutor, John, was both helpful and dedicated. Thanks for helping me achieve my goals.”

Jeff Brenner, Haverford HS
310 Point Increase on the SAT

“My tutor Anne Marie, was wonderful! Thanks A+!”

Caitlin McHugh, Council Rock North HS
380 Point Increase on the SAT



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Contact Us


A+ Test Prep and Tutoring -- Philadelphia

505 York Road, Suite 6, Jenkintown PA 19046

A+ Test Prep and Tutoring -- Montgomeryville

593-1 Bethlehem Pike, Unit #4, Montgomeryville PA 18936

ACT® and SAT® are registered trademarks belonging to ACT Education Corp. (“ACT”), and College Board, respectively. ACT and College Board are not involved with or affiliated with A+ Test Prep & Tutoring, Inc. nor do ACT or College Board endorse or sponsor any of the products or services offered by A+ Test Prep & Tutoring, Inc.