Policies and Procedures

At A+ we pride ourselves on providing professional, results-oriented, one-to-one tutoring. Our bottom line is how much we help each of our students improve. We like to keep things simple.

Matching Students with Tutors

We make every effort to make the best match between students and tutors. When making assignments, we consider the student’s personality and needs, and the tutor’s teaching style. Once we assign a tutor, he or she will contact you directly to create a schedule.

We strive to make the best possible match from the start. In some cases, however, the initial match may not be the right fit. In this situation, we ask the parent to contact our office as soon as possible so we can address any concerns and if necessary, assign a different tutor.


We generally recommend that our students meet with their tutors once per week, for either an hour or ninety minutes depending on the nature of the tutoring. In some cases, it may be necessary to meet more often than that. Either way, we look to create a consistent schedule with every student, meeting at the same time and place every week. If for some reason there is a need for a schedule change, please contact your tutor or call our office.

A parent, guardian, or other adult must be present for all in-home tutoring, unless the student is 18 or older. 

In order for tutoring to be effective, it must occur regularly. If a student does not meet with a tutor according to the arranged schedule, it may seriously affect the quality and effectiveness of the tutoring. 

Cancellation Policy

We require 24 hours notice for cancellation. If a cancellation is made less than 24 hours before an appointment, we will charge your account for the session. Weekend appointments must be canceled by 4 PM on Friday.

Score Increase

While A+ strives to provide the best tutoring possible, we make no promise of score increases on tests. Students’ score increases are individual and involve many factors including: scheduling consistency, homework completion, and personal motivation and investment in the program. We are proud of the work we do and will be happy to provide you with references.

Unused Prepaid Tutoring Sessions

The value of any unused prepaid tutoring sessions will remain in the student’s account and can be applied to the cost of any future services required by the student or a sibling.



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A+ Test Prep and Tutoring -- Philadelphia

505 York Road, Suite 6, Jenkintown PA 19046

A+ Test Prep and Tutoring -- Montgomeryville

593-1 Bethlehem Pike, Unit #4, Montgomeryville PA 18936

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