For the past few months, anxious seniors have been finding out if they have been accepted or rejected from their chosen schools. But what if it’s neither? Students who are placed on a college’s waitlist, especially the waitlist of a highly selective school, still have...
College Fair Essentials: What to Do Before, During, and After
Whether you’re a junior who has already begun creating a college list or a sophomore just starting to research colleges, college fairs are one of the best ways to learn more about your options and the college admission process. Get answers to your burning questions...
Make the Most out of College Visits
March is here! It’s a time to look forward to the first hints of spring and, for high school students, one of the best times of the year to visit colleges—spring break. Some students may consider devoting time to something stressful and school related like looking at...
You’ve Been Accepted! Next Steps After Getting Into College
With just a click of a button, Alex saw what she had been working and waiting for since she started high school. She had just been accepted to college! In the weeks that followed, she received a few other acceptance offers and was waitlisted and rejected twice....
A Comprehensive Guide to College Scholarships
Congrats! You’ve made it through the end of college application season. Whether you’ve already been accepted or you’re just waiting to find out what happens next, it’s never too late to earn more money for college. Big or small, mainstream or niche, scholarships can...
College Research: A Step-by-Step Guide
Choosing what college to attend is a big decision. Not only is it a place you spend four years of your life, but it’s also a place you prepare for your future career while building potentially lifelong friendships. So, of course you want to apply to colleges that are...
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505 York Road, Suite 6, Jenkintown PA 19046
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