UPDATED JANUARY 2024 Why Self-Proctor? Before opening night of a play, actors conduct dress rehearsals to ensure a successful performance. It is similarly worthwhile to complete proctored SAT or ACT® exams that simulate typical testing conditions. Current and...
Free Proctored SAT and ACT® Exams
Summer: Taking a Proctored Practice Test over the Summer
Ah, summer. Ice cream. Fireflies. Picnics. Testing. Testing? Before you shake your head and run back into the surf, take a minute to consider the advantages of sitting for an A+ proctored SAT or ACT® over the summer. SAT and ACT® practice testing sessions allow you to...
SAT versus ACT®: Which Test Should You Take?
Should I take the SAT or the ACT®? We get that question a lot. A+ Test Prep & Tutoring has the answer and if you still can't decide A+ offers free proctored practice exams! Try both the SAT and ACT®. We offer our free proctored practice...
Practice Matters: The Importance of Proctored Practice Exams
What does it take to excel? In “Why Practice Tests Matter So Much,”an article written for the website Chariot Learning, author Mike Bergin asks us to consider some examples that illustrate the value of practice. “Have you ever met someone who planned to take her road...
SAT/ACT® Hybrid Tests: Don’t Drink The Kool-Aid
Michael Dean, of Summit Educational Group in Massachusetts recently wrote a blog post describing why it's not a good idea for students to take SAT/ACT® hybrid tests provided by some test preparation companies. While these tests may seem convenient because they allow...
January 2013 Newsletter
In This Issue: A New Twist on College Admissions Essays Colleges are asking prospective students to show a little more flair this year, giving students room to creatively express their personalities in their application essays. New essay questions...
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505 York Road, Suite 6, Jenkintown PA 19046
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593-1 Bethlehem Pike, Unit #4, Montgomeryville PA 18936
ACT® and SAT® are registered trademarks belonging to ACT Education Corp. (“ACT”), and College Board, respectively. ACT and College Board are not involved with or affiliated with A+ Test Prep & Tutoring, Inc. nor do ACT or College Board endorse or sponsor any of the products or services offered by A+ Test Prep & Tutoring, Inc.