Sam had a busy week. From Monday to Friday, she attended her local high school, and on Wednesdays she had piano lessons in her home. She also spent every other day watching video lectures and submitting assignments for her online AP Art History course. Wow! Not only...
Learning Styles
KBCP Framework: A Better Way to Learn Study Skills
Gregory has an AP Bio test on Friday. He wants to do well, so he considers planning out some study time throughout the week and creating some mnemonic devices to remember the process of photosynthesis, but he just ends up rereading his notes the night before. It...
Staring out the window, Jane could hear the distant voice of her English teacher. Instead of following along with the lesson on in-text MLA citations, she was thinking about the chemistry lab she forgot to submit and was trying to distract herself from the feelings of...
How to Encourage Your Child to Read
For many people, nothing is better than curling up in a comfy chair with a captivating novel or picking up a book that digs deep into an obscure interest. Whether your love of reading came from an insatiable curiosity or from an inspiring role model, you learned to...
Understanding the Teenage Brain
By understanding how the brain changes during adolescence, teens will not only be able to understand themselves better, but the adults in their lives will be better able to offer empathy and support.
Mindprint: Understand How Your Student Learns
Mindprint is a cognitive assessment developed at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine that provides students, parents, and tutors with key insights into how each student learns in order to best help students succeed. This one hour online...
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505 York Road, Suite 6, Jenkintown PA 19046
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593-1 Bethlehem Pike, Unit #4, Montgomeryville PA 18936
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