UPDATED JANUARY 2024 Why Self-Proctor? Before opening night of a play, actors conduct dress rehearsals to ensure a successful performance. It is similarly worthwhile to complete proctored SAT or ACT® exams that simulate typical testing conditions. Current and...
ACT® Tips
Summer 2021: Preparing for College Applications Webinar
We’re going to talk about is what should parents of sophomores (current sophomores who will be juniors next year), what should they be thinking about at this time, and what should the kids be thinking about in terms of how to use their summer.
Test Optional Tips and Trends
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, there were 1,070 colleges that allowed applicants to choose whether or not to submit SAT or ACT® scores. Over the past year, about 700 more colleges temporarily suspended their test score requirements, and at least half of those schools are currently considering extending their test optional policies. Despite the fact that life is slowly returning to normal, test optional policies seem poised to continue for the foreseeable future. How have test optional policies impacted students? Who should still take the SAT or ACT®? What are other ways, besides test scores, to stand out?
3 Key Ways to Maximize Your SAT or ACT® Score
Parents in the Greater Philadelphia Area frequently ask us how their high school students can maximize their scores on the SAT and ACT®. Since 1992, thousands of college-bound students have completed A+ Test Prep and Tutoring’s one-to-one test preparation program and...
PDF Download: SAT/ACT® Comparison
We hear it all the time here at A+ Test Prep and Tutoring: “Which test should I take? The SAT or the ACT®?” Should one test take precedence over the other? Would taking both the SAT and the ACT® be most the most advantageous route? Students and parents alike have...
What to Do When Your Test Score Improvement Stalls – The Pace of Progress
A Piece of Cake The recipe for success on the SAT/ACT® isn’t the same for everyone. Think of it as similar to baking a cake: one person can have all of the needed ingredients and baking experience; another person might have experience, too, but still need a few...
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A+ Test Prep and Tutoring -- Philadelphia
505 York Road, Suite 6, Jenkintown PA 19046
A+ Test Prep and Tutoring -- Montgomeryville
593-1 Bethlehem Pike, Unit #4, Montgomeryville PA 18936
ACT® and SAT® are registered trademarks belonging to ACT Education Corp. (“ACT”), and College Board, respectively. ACT and College Board are not involved with or affiliated with A+ Test Prep & Tutoring, Inc. nor do ACT or College Board endorse or sponsor any of the products or services offered by A+ Test Prep & Tutoring, Inc.