Wondering if an Ivy League or Top 20 school is right for you? We break down the pressures, perks, and pitfalls of applying to these prestigious universities. Plus, tips for finding the college that truly fits you.
Introducing Kassie Fuiten: New A+ Director of Education
Welcome A+’s new Director of Education, Kassie Fuiten! In this interview, learn more about Kassie’s background, her inspirations, and her thoughts on the future.
Steps to Say Goodbye to Bad Habits: Break the Groundhog Day Loop
It’s early in the new year, making it the perfect time to reflect on the patterns in your life that aren’t serving you well. Maybe you want to procrastinate less or participate more. Banish bad habits with these tips!
Adapt to Adaptive Scoring: Strategies to Maximize your Digital SAT Score
What does the SAT’s adaptive format and its weighted questions mean for you? Ensure you have the best chance to earn a top score by learning how weighting works and what strategies will help you make the most of it!
Introducing Lucy Zhang: New A+ President
After 32 years as the President of A+ Test Prep and Tutoring, Dan Ascher handed over the reins to Lucy Zhang this past December. No stranger to the company, for the past two years, Lucy, who is the leader of SetSail Global LLC, has been a business consultant for A+....
A Closer Look at Dual Enrollment
Looking for a challenge while also earning college credit? High school students have several options to choose from, including Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate classes. Recently, however, more and more students are choosing to enroll in dual...
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A+ Test Prep and Tutoring -- Philadelphia
505 York Road, Suite 6, Jenkintown PA 19046
A+ Test Prep and Tutoring -- Montgomeryville
593-1 Bethlehem Pike, Unit #4, Montgomeryville PA 18936
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