A+ One-To-One Remote Tutoring

Last updated May 17, 2021 

Whether used out of convenience or necessity, online remote tutoring is an effective way to receive personalized instruction, from anywhere at any time, on a range of subjects. However, the current coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, which has made tutoring at our offices or at home a challenge, presents a unique opportunity to become familiar with and take advantage of A+ Test Prep and Tutoring’s one-to-one remote tutoring.

How does it work?

If you have a working laptop or tablet, such as an iPad, and a quiet study space, you are already well-equipped to begin online sessions.

Access to instructional materials and instructors are the other essential components of the remote tutoring set up. In combination with video chat applications

Copy of Parents FAQ 1-4FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, etc.), or just a phone call, A+ uses an interactive whiteboard, known as iCollaborate. Agree on which video chat program to use, download it, and receive access to an iCollaborate room, and you are all set to learn online!

Students have their own dedicated online “room” set aside for their sessions

  • Only a tutor and his or her student receive a link via email to these private online spaces. There they will find the materials and notes for their specific sessions.
  • Students and tutors work collaboratively viewing and marking-up documents in the shared whiteboards

Click here for full list of features and advantage of remote tutoring with iCollaborate.

Remote Tutoring Possibilities 

Parents and students who may be interested in remote tutoring have many options to choose from when it comes to subjects offered. Below are a few recommendations:

  • AP Exam Preparation – Instead of being cancelled, AP exams are now taking place online. Students can get help studying for these newly designed 45-minute free response online exams.
  • Pre-Test Prep – A variety of exams are required for admission to colleges, private schools, and even some public magnet schools. Take a diagnostic test to identify the weaknesses that can be addressed during subsequent tutoring.
  • Test Prep – Instruction to prepare for the SAT, ACT®, SSAT, and ISEE is available.
  • College Essay Assistance. Get help brainstorming, writing, and revising your college essays and supplemental responses.
  • General Writing Instruction – Work one on one with a tutor to improve your writing skills.
  • Academic Enrichment – Make up ground in an area of weakness or get ahead in a subject you’re studying now or will be studying soon.

Advantages and Advice for Remote Tutoring

A look at the above list of subjects reveals how beneficial remote tutoring can be to students who desire to improve in areas critical for either success in school or getting into schools. Take some time to think about what your goals are, assess how well your current needs are being met, and consider taking advantage of the personal attention and dedicated support that remote tutoring can offer. Then, once you’ve committed to remote tutoring, be ready to follow guidelines for best practices that have been designed to make sure you get the most out of your remote tutoring experience.

Best Practices for Online Tutoring

While tutors can refer to “Best Practices for Online Tutoring” for advice, such as being prepared with the right supplies, outlook, and strategies, students can follow the tips found in “5 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Online Tutoring Experience” to ensure their remote tutoring is a success:

  • Find a quiet place to conduct the online tutoring session – An indoor location that’s private (others can be prevented from intruding) is best, especially if it allows you to forgo using earphones. Place a sign on the door or entryway alerting people not to disturb you.
  • Eliminate other distractions – Close any open programs, clear your computer’s desktop of clutter, stop notifications, turn off phones and music, and do anything else necessary to have a learning environment that helps you focus exclusively on your session.
  • Don’t delay and be prepared – Get comfortable and log on a few minutes before your session is due to start, so you’re sure your technology is ready and you are ready to learn.
  • Be active – Speak up if you have a question and seek out opportunities to engage by writing on the whiteboard. Keep a pencil, workbook, or notebook nearby to take notes.
  • Be ready to reset – Sometimes a technical glitch happens, you need a short break, or you need to readjust how you’re sitting, and that’s okay.

Get Onboard with Online Tutoring

Remote tutoring is usually a suitable alternative to at-home or in-office tutoring, but the recent COVID-19 crisis has made it even more worthwhile. So, although students are stuck at home, their learning doesn’t have to stop. With the ease of remote tutoring and a variety of subjects offered, students and their parents should strongly consider taking advantage of this useful service.

At A+ Test Prep and Tutoring, our practices are based on the latest developments in educational theory and research. We have an excellent team of tutors who can help you with standardized testing, executive functioning, or achievement in any other school subject. If you want to find out more about our services, our Client Service Directors Anne Stanley and Susan Ware can be reached at 215-886-9188.




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505 York Road, Suite 6, Jenkintown PA 19046

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593-1 Bethlehem Pike, Unit #4, Montgomeryville PA 18936

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